My passions and my values are what drive me. I am loyal, trustworthy, reliable, consistent, hard working and organized. These are what I offer as a person, a friend and a coach. I am someone who will get down in the dirt with you. I am not afraid of the hard work and dedication it takes to reach your goals. I am someone who will be along side of you each step of the way.

My business & life experiences are a part of who I am today, and I would not trade any of it  – but they don’t define me as a person. My value is bringing my strengths to YOU as a life and business coach. That is what makes me unique.

I understand what it is like to lose yourself and get lost in life, and the struggle to find yourself in spite of everything and everyone around you.

I am passionate about helping others, being authentic and realistic. Connection is very important to me. 

Karla-Williams Impactful Coaching founder
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