Consider these 3 questions ...

Where do I want to be?            How do I get there?
Where do I Start?

Where do I want to be?
How do I get there?
Where do I Start?

These three questions are the basis of where we begin.
As a certified life coach, I will work with you to discover what this looks like for you. Asking questions to find solutions together and setting goals that are obtainable. As your coach, I provide support, encouragement and accountability.

Coaching with me

Together we look at your current situation, your potential obstacles and challenges, and we create a custom and achievable action plan to help you reach a specific outcome in your life.

My role is to help you stay grounded, focused and driven. I bring support, encouragement and accountability in a way that works for you.

My unique style of coaching is in my logical, realistic and “say it like it is” approach. Asking the tough questions to really get down to the root of the obstacles.

The truth is most people struggle to see where their blockages are – or maybe you can see them, but you don’t know what to do about them. I want to work together with you on this, in an objective and curious way.  
We will discuss strategies based on what fits with your goals, personality and lifestyle. 

Karla Williams Impactful Coaching

What is coaching?

Coaching is a a creative partnership that is designed to draw out your potential and goals. It is a unique experience for each person – there is no cookie cutter, one size fits all formula.

Sometimes just having someone you can talk to, count on and trust, while you look at what is important to you. Coaching is an investment in yourself.

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